

  • oracle 数据表跟文本或者文件格式进行交互;即将指定文件内容导入对应的 oracle 数据表中;或者从 oracle 数据表导出。
  • 其他数据库中的表跟oracle数据库进行交互。

  若是少量数据;可选择的解决方案有很多。常用的用 pl/sql developer工具,或者手动转换为 insert 语句,或者通过api。但数据量大;用上面的方法效率太烂了。本文来说说 oracle 数据的加载和卸载。

  • oracle中的dblink
  • oracle加载数据-外部表
  • oracle加载数据-sqlldr工具
  • oracle卸载数据-sqludr

一. oracle 中的 dblink

  在日常工作中;会遇到不同的数据库进行数据对接;每个数据库都有着功能;像oracle有 dblink ; postgresql有外部表。

1.1 oracle dblink 语法

create [public] database link link
connect to username
identified by password
using ‘connectstring’

1.2 oracle to mysql



  oracle外部表用来存取数据库以外的文本文件(text file)或oracle专属格式文件。因此,建立外部表时不会产生段、区、数据块等存储结构,只有与表相关的定义放在数据字典中。外部表,顾名思义,存储在数据库外面的表。当存取时才能从oracle专属格式文件中取得数据,外部表仅供查询,不能对外部表的内容进行修改(insert、update、delete操作)。不能对外部表建立索引。

2.1 创建外部表需要的目录

# 创建外部表需要的目录
sql> create or replace directory dump_dir as '/data/ora_ext_lottu'; 
directory created.
# 给用户授予指定目录的操作权限
sql> grant read,write on directory dump_dir to lottu;

grant succeeded.

2.2 外部表源文件lottu.txt

10,accounting,new york

2.3 创建外部表

drop table dept_external purge;

create table dept_external (
  deptno   number(6),
  dname   varchar2(20),
  loc    varchar2(25) 
organization external
(type oracle_loader
 default directory dump_dir
 access parameters
 records delimited by newline
 badfile 'lottu.bad'
 logfile 'lottu.log'
 fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
  deptno   integer external(6),
  dname   char(20),
  loc    char(25)
 location ('lottu.txt')
reject limit unlimited;


sql> select * from dept_external;

  deptno dname loc
---------- -------------------- -------------------------
 10 accounting new york
 20 research dallas
 30 sales chicago
 40 operations boston

三. oracle加载数据-sqlldr工具

3.1 准备实验对象


[oracle@oracle235 ~]$ seq 1000|awk -vofs="," '{print $1,"lottu",systime()-$1}' > lottu.txt
[oracle@oracle235 ~]$ sqlplus lottu/li0924
sql*plus: release production on mon aug 13 22:58:34 2018
copyright (c) 1982, 2013, oracle. all rights reserved.

connected to:
oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production
with the partitioning, olap, data mining and real application testing options
sql> create table tbl_load_01 (id number,name varchar2(10),accountid number);
table created.

3.2 创建控制文件lottu.ctl

load data
characterset utf8
    infile '/home/oracle/lottu.txt'
    truncate into table tbl_load_01
    fields terminated by ','
    trailing nullcols
 optionally enclosed by ' ' trailing nullcols
 id ,

3.3 执行sqlldr

[oracle@oracle235 ~]$ sqlldr 'lottu/"li0924"' control=/home/oracle/lottu.ctl log=/home/oracle/lottu.log bad=/home/oracle/lottu.bad
sql*loader: release - production on mon aug 13 23:10:12 2018
copyright (c) 1982, 2011, oracle and/or its affiliates. all rights reserved.
commit point reached - logical record count 64
commit point reached - logical record count 128
commit point reached - logical record count 192
commit point reached - logical record count 256
commit point reached - logical record count 320
commit point reached - logical record count 384
commit point reached - logical record count 448
commit point reached - logical record count 512
commit point reached - logical record count 576
commit point reached - logical record count 640
commit point reached - logical record count 704
commit point reached - logical record count 768
commit point reached - logical record count 832
commit point reached - logical record count 896
commit point reached - logical record count 960
commit point reached - logical record count 1000



4.1 sqludr安装

[oracle@oracle235 ~]$ unzip 
 inflating: sqluldr2linux64.bin   
[oracle@oracle235 ~]$ mv sqluldr2linux64.bin $oracle_home/bin/sqludr

4.2 查看sqludr帮助

[oracle@oracle235 ~]$ sqludr -?
sql*unloader: fast oracle text unloader (gzip, parallel), release 4.0.1
(@) copyright lou fangxin ( 2004 - 2010, all rights reserved.
license: free for non-commercial useage, else 100 usd per server.
usage: sqluldr2 keyword=value [,keyword=value,...]
valid keywords:
  user  = username/password@tnsname
  sql   = sql file name
  query  = select statement
  field  = separator string between fields
  record = separator string between records
  rows  = print progress for every given rows (default, 1000000) 
  file  = output file name(default: uldrdata.txt)
  log   = log file name, prefix with + to append mode
  fast  = auto tuning the session level parameters(yes)
  text  = output type (mysql, csv, mysqlins, oracleins, form, search).
  charset = character set name of the target database.
  ncharset= national character set name of the target database.
  parfile = read command option from parameter file 
 for field and record, you can use '0x' to specify hex character code,
 \r=0x0d \n=0x0a |=0x7c ,=0x2c, \t=0x09, :=0x3a, #=0x23, "=0x22 '=0x27

4.3 执行sqludr

[oracle@oracle235 ~]$ sqludr lottu/li0924 query="tbl_load_01" file=lottu01.txt field=","
      0 rows exported at 2018-08-13 23:47:55, size 0 mb.
    1000 rows exported at 2018-08-13 23:47:55, size 0 mb.
     output file lottu01.txt closed at 1000 rows, size 0 mb.



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