
select a.name [文件名称]  
    ,cast(a.[size]*1.0/128 as decimal(12,1)) as [文件设置大小(mb)]  
    ,cast( fileproperty(s.name,'spaceused')/(8*16.0) as decimal(12,1)) as [文件所占空间(mb)]  
    ,cast( (fileproperty(s.name,'spaceused')/(8*16.0))/(s.size/(8*16.0))*100.0  as decimal(12,1)) as [所占空间率%]  
    ,case when a.growth =0 then '文件大小固定,不会增长' else '文件将自动增长' end [增长模式]  
    ,case when a.growth > 0 and is_percent_growth = 0 then '增量为固定大小'  
        when a.growth > 0 and is_percent_growth = 1 then '增量将用整数百分比表示'  
        else '文件大小固定,不会增长' end as [增量模式]  
    ,case when a.growth > 0 and is_percent_growth = 0 then cast(cast(a.growth*1.0/128as decimal(12,0)) as varchar)+'mb'  
        when a.growth > 0 and is_percent_growth = 1 then cast(cast(a.growth as decimal(12,0)) as varchar)+'%'  
        else '文件大小固定,不会增长' end as [增长值(%或mb)]  
    ,a.physical_name as [文件所在目录]  
    ,a.type_desc as [文件类型]  
from sys.database_files  a  
inner join sys.sysfiles as s on a.[file_id]=s.fileid  
left join sys.dm_db_file_space_usage b on a.[file_id]=b.[file_id]


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